Important Questions to Ask Your Website Designer Before Hiring

  • November 5, 2022

Asking a responsive web design Company the right questions can make the process easier, though.

We’ve compiled this list so you can ask the right questions before committing to a designer or web design agency to build your site. You may learn more about the designer’s potential to assist you in achieving your objectives by asking the aforementioned queries.

They’ll make sure you’re receiving a lot more than a discount, too. While it’s crucial to keep your website’s budget in mind, it’s wise to invest more initially on a design you’re thrilled with rather than risking the need for costly revisions down the road.

If you want to know what you should be asking your responsive web design Company, keep reading!

Do you have any background working on sites like mine?

This may not seem crucial, but it might be if your company is in a very niche or difficult business and the redesign partner needs a long time to get up to speed. Choosing a redesign partner with industry experience is similar to hiring a new employee with experience in your field.

If a digital firm doesn’t have experience in your field, it won’t be able to provide you with sound advice on content, site architecture, or UX. Also, try to find a responsive web design Company associate who has worked in a variety of fields. Even though your partner has extensive knowledge of your field, they may not be able to provide you the benefit of their experience in other fields.


  • 3 to 4 Pages Website
  • Static Website
  • 1 Month Support
  • SEO Friendly
  • Fully Responsive
  • Third Party Integration


  • 5 to 8 Pages Website
  • Self Manageable
  • 4 Months Support
  • SEO Friendly
  • Fully Responsive
  • Third Party Integration


  • Shopping Cart
  • Self Manageble
  • 4 Months Support
  • Payment Gateway
  • Free Live Chat
  • Shipping Option

What aspects of my project will be performed in-house vs. outsourced?

The mere fact that a company advertises web design and development as a skill does not guarantee that it is a key service offering or that the necessary professionals are on staff to perform it in any meaningful way. The extent to which the makeover of your website will be handled in-house is another factor to think about.

Using external suppliers for any portion (or all) of a website redesign project can increase its overall complexity, expense, and timeline, but it is by no means a deal breaker. When it comes to redesigning your website, a “self-performing” and “design-build” digital firm may provide a number of significant benefits.

If a potential partner wants to bring in outside help, finding out who they plan to hire and what aspects of the project they will be handling is crucial.

When creating a website, what steps do you take?

A website’s design and development process is crucial, and it might differ drastically from one agency to the next. Some digital agencies are better than others because of the internal procedures they’ve built to lead their initiatives. It’s helpful to have an understanding of the process, how it’s applied, and how it will affect you and your project in the long run. Knowing who will be working on the project and what their responsibilities will be is also crucial. 

What exactly do you mean by “customized theme”?

Many websites out there present themselves as unique when, in reality, they are just variations on a stock design. Although this question may seem obvious, it is essential to ask if you are paying for and expecting a custom “stick-built” website. For a website to be considered “hand-coded” by an experienced web development agency, it must have every single visual element created in-house.

How can you make sure that every device has the same, pleasant experience?

Responsive web design is the best practice advised by Google (and the industry as a whole) for developing a site that is not only mobile friendly, but “friendly” and optimized to produce a consistent and optimum user experience across all devices. It would be informative, and maybe even eye-opening, to see how each company handles mobile users and responsive design from beginning to end.

How many content management systems do you suggest?


When it comes to content management systems (CMS), most website development services have strong preferences. However, it is helpful to learn why a web design company suggests a specific CMS platform, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of that platform. It’s crucial that the qualities of the platform you select coincide with the requirements of your website’s demands and functioning.

Many customers have the false impression that the back-end functionality of a content management system website will remain constant regardless of who you work with to build the site. In contrast, content management system administration interface designs and features can vary widely amongst different platforms. You may learn more about how flexible and user-friendly their content management systems are by requesting a presentation of their websites.

After all, your business will be utilizing this function the most, so making sure it’s user-friendly is a top priority.

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How long will the project take?

The time it takes to complete a website project is very variable and is influenced by several factors, including its scope, complexity, timetable, and the reliability of the website development services. A potential web partner, armed with knowledge of your project’s requirements, should be able to offer you an estimate of how long a project like yours generally takes and a rough timetable for important project milestones. They should also shed light on the range of potential delays and common problem areas.

What are the expectations for our company as the project progresses?

Client input is essential to the creation of a successful website. Understandably, there will be some effort necessary on your end to get the project accomplished, even if you are obviously engaging an external agency to design and create the site. Knowing what is expected of you and your firm in terms of resources, time commitment, and deliverables is helpful before diving in.

Why ask a web designer questions?

Getting to know someone better via inquiry. In addition, it’s a fun way to see how someone reacts to a surprise they weren’t expecting.

When you get a proposal from a web design agency, you can rest assured that they have given careful consideration to every detail. However, posing a question puts the designer on the spot to provide a response. You’ll have a greater shot at discovering their true motives in this way.

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